Showing 10 Result(s)

Zizel videoclip

Videoclip edited by Cinequanon for ZIZEL  electronic music band, in which I did live visuals during the recording phase.     Visuals where created live using inks, ferrofluids and chemical reactions, creating the atmosphere and scenario in which the videoclip was recorded.     The recording was then edited by Cinequanon using the recorded footage …

We Are Not Musicians

We are not musicians is an audiovisual performance, as result of the research made with Diego Iñiguez in Mediaestruch, Sabadell, in 2019.     Due to the importance of the actual visual expression means, present in almos all musci festivals, and as we saw they are relegated to a second position, we want to revindicate …


NOTbirds was created for doing live visuals along with experimental music. Inspired by Jan van Ijken‘s videos, “The art of flying” , I arrived to the idea of manually controlling and following a virtual bird’s flock, and creating visual pieces that mix organic movements with digital aesthetics. Those pieces are always different, by means of a flock algorithm …

Linalab && !ME

  Linalab && !ME are Lina Bautista and Diego Suárez, two artists who crossed their paths for continuing their explorations about the analogic and manual side of both music and image. They seek to create sound and visual landscapes getting the farest away from digital methods and generating it in real time, giving the show …


!Lines is a custom painting program made by me with Processing, for doing live painting in audiovisual performances. Its basically a customized tool that let me draw live with my own motion brushes, which I manipulate via graphic tablets, MIDI controllers, keyboard and audio reaction. All images in the next gallery are screenshots of actual …

Tripartita Sinestésica

  “Tripartita sinestésica” its a collaboration between experimental music,  liquid light and dance, through an intermedia improvisation that explores the correspondency of sound movement and image. The project uses the exploration of synesthesia between the different artistic expressions. Presented in Porta Roja, Barcelona,  28/07/2017 Video recorded by Nicolas, ofPorta Roja Members: !ME (NOTme) Ksenia …


Videoclip created for the song Lumbalu, made by Sonikgroove & LVCHA.       Lumbalu: Funerary ritual of the culture of palenque (Colombia) which involve dancing, singing, music, acting and weeping. Recorded with inks and analogic methods, the videoclip shows the color palette of Palenque´s culture in an abstract narrative that speaks of death, the …

Canibal Soundsystem

Resident VJ in  Canibal Soundsystem in Apolo, Barcelona, from 2015 to 2019. Canibal Soundsystem (APOLO) is a hall where concerts and shows are held, ranging from the Jamaican scene and sound system culture to jungle, drum and bass, dubstep, African-American music and world music. For 5 years I have been VJ resident in said room, …

NOTwandering 1: HK

Endless video that wanders in a world of forgotten alleys of Hong Kong, where life continues unaware of anyone that goes through there, maybe running away, maybe coming back, or both at the same time.   NOTwandering is a series of infinite videos,and although they go into the future in a tirelesly manner, they leave …